Can you restart a vps
The other one is by using certain shell commands while you are logged in to the server via SSH with your root password. For your convenience, I will explain them one by one. If you are using a cPanel Control Panel on your Virtual Private Server, you have the option to restart all the services very quickly and easily. To do this, you will need to log in to the WHM using your root password, which gives you full access privileges.
In this menu you will see the option to restart each service on your Virtual Server. All you need to do is select the service that you need and click on the corresponding icon in the menu. This will start the restarting process. Just wait for the page to fully reload and for the message informing of the successful restart of the service to appear. You are now able to use your control panel. Toggle navigation. Was this answer helpful? Yes No. Please follow these steps to reboot:.
Many users are comfortable with using SSH to manage their servers. To restart your container using SSH:. VZ is commonly used for VPS management and also has controls to restart the entire container. Choosing a graceful reboot as opposed to a forced reboot prevents your site from corrupting, crashing and losing data.
It can be used for VPS management and is handy when needing to manage a reboot of your server. If you do not have the time or confidence to carry out a reboot on your own, you can contact your hosting support team either for advice or to request them to do it themselves.
They can access your servers with your permission.