Does anyone ever get over depression
Sitting at my desk as I try to start this story, I'm struggling to decide where to begin and I can feel it coming on. Shivers up my arms and into my neck, a heavy chest, now my legs start, I'm not sure if I'm hot or cold, my chest gets heavier as my body decides whether to fight or take flight. Luckily, I'm aware of what's going on; my head remains calm as I write these words. Letting myself become overcome with the anxiety that is taking hold of my body, the natural response I feel when confronted with difficult tasks or stress, is not going to happen.
I'd like to show that if they're spotted early enough, mental health problems can be managed and even prevented. Dealing with depression is an everyday struggle. It's definitely true that some days are worse than others, but I've learned to manage it, to become aware of my symptoms, my triggers, and to remain in control.
However, this has not always been the case. It's only of late that I have come to understand what's going on inside and the relationship between my body and mind. Awareness is the key to prevention and that is why I'd like to share with you my story of battling depression. I don't want anyone else to feel the way I have done, to feel trapped and isolated by mental health problems and to not be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
You might have seen my name before, at the bottom of emails from the Foundation's Events Team. You may have even spoken to me on the phone or maybe we've exchanged emails. Although I'm working at the Mental Health Foundation, I am still a student, currently on a period of temporary withdrawal from my studies due to my mental health problems. Looking back, I can see that I have battled with depression for a long time, but it was not until university that it took an uncontrollable hold of my life.
Everybody has bad days but depression can make every day a bad day. Also, practice gratitude — take time to notice what went well today, not just what went wrong. Consider keeping a gratitude journal. This practice is sometimes called mindfulness. As best you can, during activities try not to be in your head with self-judgment.
You may not be able to turn off the self-judgment, but you can notice it and bring yourself gently back to the present. Research shows that people with higher self-compassion also have higher self-worth or self-confidence. For those who have difficulty with self-compassion or healthy engagement, you can find self-compassion exercises on Kristin D. Mindfulness Based Stress reduction courses are also available throughout Utah.
Doing moderate exercise about five times a week 30 minutes a pop can dramatically help your mood. Moderate exercise is a level of activity where it is difficult to sing from your diaphragm while doing it.
Remember the virtue of moderation. Interact frequently with others that bring you up not people that bring you down. Keep a balance with not too little and not too much sleep. Staying up late one night and then sleeping in excessively the next day is a sure-fire way to feed depression. Crisis Text Line. Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It would sneak up, exploit a weakness and then it consumed me. It was through a major event in my life just over 8 years ago that I learnt the reasons why I felt sad sometimes to the point I would sit alone and cry, feeling worthless and had dark thoughts.
I sought help with my GP and a great psychologist. They both told me I suffered 'clinical depression'. The GP prescribed meds and the psychologist gave me the tools to help me recognise when depression was trying to blindside me. I'm off the meds and rarely see my psycholigist. Recently I could the signs of depression coming on. I'm proud to say it came and went without consuming me. I went a little quiet and having to the tools to deal with it has helped me immensely.
Strange to say, I was conscious it was happening, the affects were minimal and it faded away. So, my answer to your question from personal experience is depression may always be in the background and over time, how much we suffer is determined by how much we let it consume us.
I really feel your pain You do sound like you are in a dark place. This is my 20th year with depression and it does get better Sign up below for regular emails filled with information, advice and support for you or your loved ones. You are currently: Home Get support Online forums. Online forums Before you can post or reply in these forums, please complete your profile Complete your profile. Forum membership is open to anyone residing in Australia. Cancel The title field is required!
Does anyone ever truly beat depression? Just wondering I suppose Zeal Champion Alumni. Hi Looking for me, People can completely overcome depression, but a fair proportion improve significantly and then live with fluctuations or relapses. Keep seeing your doctor when you need advice. Best wishes, SM. JessF Valued Contributor. Hey all, Thanks for responding.
Thanks for the support all. When I started on this journey, when I finally decided enough was enough, to get some help after years of just being battered by my own brain, I was relieved.
A sense of being unburdened by having someone else accept my thoughts, my feelings, and validating them, telling me that it is okay, that I am not a monster, not a thing and not nothing either.
I have a place and I have a part to play.