How many people live in thomasville nc

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders. Languages These are tabulated as the languages people preferentially speak when they are at home with their families. Foreign Born Percentage Foreign Born residents have immigrated to the United States from another country and may or may not be naturalized citizens.

Ancestry Top 20 German. Languages Spoken Top 20 English. African languages. Native American languages. Pacific Island languages. Other Asian languages. Mon-Khmer Cambodian. Foreign Born Thomasville Residents: 9. Real Estate in Popular Thomasville Neighborhoods. Popular real estate near Thomasville. Average household size: This city: 2. Percentage of family households: This city: Percentage of households with unmarried partners: This city: 7.

Education Gini index Inequality in education Here: Number of grocery stores : 28 Davidson County : 1. North Carolina : 2. Number of supercenters and club stores : 1 This county : 0. North Carolina : 0. Number of convenience stores no gas : 17 Here : 1. State : 0. Number of convenience stores with gas : 78 Davidson County : 5. State : 4. Number of full-service restaurants : This county : 6. North Carolina : 7. Adult diabetes rate : This county : Adult obesity rate : This county : Low-income preschool obesity rate : This county : Healthy diet rate : This city: Average overall health of teeth and gums : This city: Average BMI : Thomasville: People feeling badly about themselves : Thomasville: People not drinking alcohol at all : This city: Average hours sleeping at night : Thomasville: 6.

Overweight people : Here: General health condition : Thomasville: Average condition of hearing : Here: Here: 5. WMAG WKXU WDJ WGBT WTJY Thomasville Poverty Rate by Education. Rate Poverty Male Unemployed Thomasville Income by Household Type Loading Income by Household Type.

Thomasville Marital Status Loading Marriage Rates Overall Marriage Rate. Male Marriage Rate. Female Marriage Rate. Thomasville Married by Age and Sex Loading Thomasville Marriage The age group where males are most likely to be married is , while the female age group most likely to be married is Thomasville Marital Status by Race Loading Thomasville Marital Status.

Number of Veterans. Male Veterans. Female Veterans. Thomasville Veterans by War. Thomasville Veterans by Age. Percentage Counts. Thomasville Veterans by Race.

Thomasville Veterans by Education Loading The most partisan county was Graham County, NC with Trump running for the Republican Party. In the United States, senators are elected to 6-year terms with the terms for individual senators staggered.

North Carolina is currently represented by 13 members in the U. In the presidential election, the popular vote in North Carolina went to Donald J. The following chart shows the popular vote results in North Carolina for each registered party from to The following chart shows elected senators in North Carolina over time, excluding special elections, colored by their political party.

Members of the House of Representives are elected to 2-year terms, and the following chart shows the how the members for North Carolina have changed over time starting in The homeownership rate in Thomasville, NC is People in Thomasville, NC have an average commute time of Car ownership in Thomasville, NC is approximately the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household.

The following charts display, first, the property values in Thomasville, NC compared to it's parent and neighbor geographies and, second, owner-occupied housing units distributed between a series of property value buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. In , the median household income of the The following chart displays the households in Thomasville, NC distributed between a series of income buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket.

This chart shows the households in Thomasville, NC distributed between a series of property tax buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. In , This percentage of owner-occupation is lower than the national average of This chart shows the ownership percentage in Thomasville, NC compared it's parent and neighboring geographies. Using averages, employees in Thomasville, NC have a shorter commute time Additionally, 3.

The chart below shows how the median household income in Thomasville, NC compares to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies. The following chart shows the number of households using each mode of transportation over time, using a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to help better show variations in the smaller means of commuting.

The following chart displays the households in Thomasville, NC distributed between a series of car ownership buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. The largest share of households in Thomasville, NC have 2 cars, followed by false. This is a 3. Primary care physicians in Davidson County, NC see patients per year on average, which represents a 0. Compare this to dentists who see patients per year, and mental health providers who see patients per year. Comparing across all counties in the state, Jones County has the highest prevalence of diabetes Additionally, Bladen County has the highest prevalence of adult obesity Primary care physicians in Davidson County, NC see an average of 3, patients per year.

This represents a 0. The following chart shows how the number of patients seen by primary care physicians has been changing over time in Davidson County, NC in comparison to its neighboring geographies. In , West Virginia had the highest prevalence of adults with major depressive episode, with 8.

The second highest is Arkansas 8. The following map shows the percent of individuals with major depressive episode by state over multiple years. In , California had the highest estimated number of chronically homeless individuals in the nation, at 35, New York has the second highest 5, , followed by Florida 4,


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