Magic why is chain lightning good
Originally Posted by Kyle. Finglonger plays Spell Pierce from his hand. Re: Chain Lightning vs. Lightning Bolt Chain makes goyf bigger since its the only sorcery zoo runs. About the price: CL is Legend. Originally Posted by Pastorofmuppets. Lightning Bolt What? Where are you getting the idea that people prefer Chain to Bolt?
All Results. Chain Lightning. Player Rating:. Community Rating: 4. The player rating is the overall rating for the card taking into account all player rating votes. Popular Comments. As of right now this is a really expensive card to own as a playset - for a common - and difficult to find. I love this card, even if it's not as good as Lightning Bolt, I believe it's not even comparable in that sense. The way I think Chain lightning should be used is alongside the Bolt.
Think about having 4 lighting bolts and 2 or 4 Chain Lightning. How is that not crazy good?? So who cares which is better, just use 'em both! All Rights Reserved. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:. Elder Scrolls Explore. Elder Scrolls Online. Events Characters Factions Locations Concepts. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account?