Why injection on the buttock

The injection will go in this quarter below the curved bone. Prepare the site as you were shown by your doctor or nurse. See the general instruction sheet on giving yourself an IM injection. If you did not receive this sheet, ask for one. Give no more than 3 ml or cc of medication in this site. If the prescribed dose is more than 3 ml, you will need to give the injection in two parts.

Medicine that comes in a container for a single dose should be used only 1 time. If you use the container a second time, it may have germs in it that can cause illness. These illnesses include hepatitis B and C. They also include infections of the brain or spinal cord meningitis and epidural abscess. Was this helpful? Yes No Tell us more. Check all that apply. Wrong topic—not what I was looking for. It was hard to understand. Note that it can be difficult to give yourself a shot in this site.

You may need help from a partner. Your vastus lateralis and rectus femoris muscles are located in your thigh. To find these muscles, imagine lines dividing the front of your thigh into thirds from the top to the bottom. To inject into the vastus lateralis, the needle should go into the middle third on the outer portion of your thigh. To inject into the rectus femoris muscle, the needle should go in the middle third at the front of your thigh.

Your ventrogluteal muscle is located near your hip. For injections in this site, you'll need a partner to do the injection for you. To find this site, lie on your back and have your partner stand facing your hips. Have your partner place the heel of their hand so that their wrist is lined up with your thigh. Your partner's thumb should be pointed toward your groin and their fingers should be pointed toward your head.

They should be able to feel the border of a bony area with their ring finger and pinkie. Next, your partner should spread their pointer finger and middle finger into a V and give the injection between those fingers. The dorsogluteal muscle is the large muscle located in your buttocks. This injection site should also be accessed with the help of a partner.

To find this site, divide one butt cheek into fourths, with two fourths side by side at the bottom and two on top. You will always want to give the injection in the outer, upper quadrant, almost toward the hip. Your healthcare provider will give you a prescription for your medication. You will also receive a prescription for the syringes and needles.

A nurse or other healthcare provider can help you learn how to give yourself shots. You may be asked to watch a video or practice on a doll. It is important to make sure you are comfortable with the technique before you start doing it yourself.

There are a few ways to make sure your injections are safe and painless. This includes:. Make sure to carefully feel for your selected muscle before giving yourself an injection. Find a comfortable position and try to relax your muscle as much as possible. It is a good idea to alternate sites with each injection. This will help you avoid swelling and soreness. Some people may have an injury, wound, or other reason to avoid certain injection sites.

If this is you, your healthcare provider may recommend a particular site for your shots. A nurse or other healthcare provider can help you learn to give yourself a shot.

Make sure you are comfortable with the technique before you try doing it yourself. Watch out for side effects. These could include:. Report any concerns to your healthcare provider or nurse.

There are four sites on your body that can be used to give yourself an injection. These include the upper arm, thigh, hip, and buttocks. Make sure you are comfortable with the injection technique before you start giving yourself shots.

A nurse or other healthcare provider can show you how to do it. Look out for side effects and report any concerns to your healthcare provider. Not all injections are intramuscular. Some conditions require other types of injections, such as subcutaneous. Subcutaneous injections are given in the fat layer just under the skin. Intramuscular injections have other advantages too.

The muscles have a plentiful supply of blood, which helps ensure that the body absorbs the medication quickly. The tissue in the muscles can also hold more medication than fatty tissue. Doctors administer most injectable vaccines into the muscles. The deltoid muscle is the most common site for vaccines. This muscle is in the upper arm near the shoulder. It can only receive small volumes of medication, usually 1 milliliter or less.

Therefore, doctors do not use it for drugs that require larger quantities. People self-administering medication rarely use the deltoid, as an injection site, because it is difficult for them to reach. To find the deltoid muscle, a person feels for the bone at the top of the upper arm.

Two finger-widths below this, there is a triangular muscle. Healthcare professionals often give intramuscular injections into the ventrogluteal muscle of the hip. This muscle is a very safe injection site for adults and infants more than 7 months old because it is thick and located away from major nerves and blood vessels. But it can be challenging to self-administer medication into the hip. To locate the ventrogluteal muscle on someone else, place the heel of the hand on the hip, with the fingers pointing toward the head.

The thumb should point toward the groin. Typically, people who need to self-administer injections use the vastus lateralis muscle in the thigh. Before doctors began using the hip as an injection site, they used the dorsogluteal muscles in the buttocks. They tend to avoid using these muscles now because of the potential risk of injury to the sciatic nerve. A healthcare professional should provide people with training and education before asking them to administer intramuscular injections to themselves or another person.

Wash the hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Pay careful attention to the area between the fingers and under the fingernails. A doctor should provide advice on the type of needle to use. It needs to be long enough to reach deep into the muscle tissue. It is essential to ask a doctor or pharmacist which size needle to use before giving an injection.


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