Why is zingzillas shorter
I want the return of narrative tension, storyline and characters entwined within the development of the stories. Tags: CBeebies Rants television Zingzillas. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Zingzillas lost their awesome Rants Saturday, 26 November 4. It is shorter and it shows as it feels very rushed. So the new series of Zingzillas started on cBeebies this week and I'm not happy For a start DJ's voice is different the same crappy voice he has on Zingzillas Zingbop instead of the voice he originally had , the format is different there's no longer any kind of storyline, Todd has been relegated to a brief, stupid bit with a machine that doesn't work, we never see the Coconut Hut or the Beach Birds and, most annoying of all, the acts in the glade aren't playing music anymore, they're just dancing to it!
Oh and they seem to have incorporated the kiddy dancing idea from Zingbop. The glade used to be about having a musician in it playing a kind of music or instrument etc that was new to the Zingzillas and them learning about it and using it in the Big Zing song Oh and, perhaps most importantly, the new format means that my DD1's absolute favourite bit - where the Beach Birds sing "Disaster! Do you watch it? Did you prefer the original format or do you think the new look show is better?
Zingzillas is not one of my favourites I'm afraid but DD loves it - she's 2. I switch off when its on but my DH mentioned that they no longer say "it was the best big Zing Ever! Ash - Thats so funny how you use them as a timer. I do too but with Come Outside on a Wednesday. Soon as its finished I know its time for me and DD to get outside to nursery and me to work!
Thought I liked it when LO started to watch tv.. The new version sounds even worse! The main bit my little one liked was the 'disaster' bit so I'll definitely be turning over! That's gone too. I think the new format must be much shorter than the show used to be too. Is it still on in the mornings?