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Ultimately, Carol Marcus was played by actress Bibi Besch. Nick Meyer was satisfied with this casting decision, believing that Besch fit both necessities for the role, saying of the performer, " She has a face where you can see all the thoughts flitting back and forth. Bibi Besch approached her performance of Carol Marcus on a very basic Human level but also as an acting exercise, attempting to make it as realistic and therefore believable a portrayal as she could.

So I tried to make it believable for myself. I fantasized about an early affair [between Kirk and Carol Marcus] and why it turned out the way it did. What kind of people we both became, how I got to be where I was, not just as a scientist but as a woman who wouldn't have told Kirk for all those years that he had a son. Bibi Besch struggled, somewhat, with relating to a few aspects of Carol Marcus' persona. In this way, she intended to make the part believable to herself, thereby enabling her to engender a realistic portrayal for viewers.

Starlog , issue , pp. The first day on which Bibi Besch portrayed Carol Marcus involved the character arriving on the bridge of the Enterprise and overseeing the forming of the Genesis Planet. All other scenes in which Carol Marcus appears were filmed later. Bibi Besch felt that, as written for Star Trek II , the role of Carol Marcus was quite limited, even including the details of her past romance with Kirk.

But not much, really. It was sketchy to begin with, " the actress related. I would love to do a future Star Trek with a little more exposition.

Trek: The Unauthorized Story of the Movies , 3rd ed. Thus, Bennett not only excised Carol from the third film but also imagined that she had no knowledge of her son's use of protomatter in the matrix. The Making of the Trek Films , 3rd ed. Starlog , April , p. Bennett stated about the message, " It said, 'I've seen the picture.

Now I understand. You were right. I hope you can find a place for me in one of the other films. Comments made by Bibi Besch, several years after Star Trek III was released, seem to suggest that she remained or returned to feeling frustrated about not having been in that film.

She said, " I feel disappointed that I never got a chance to complete my relationship with Jim Kirk vis-a-vis the death of our son [ Despite hoping to someday make a return appearance as Carol Marcus and "tie up a few loose ends between Carol and Kirk," Bibi Besch was fundamentally honored to have played the part.

She reflected, " I feel like I'm part of this history now, having done this character [ Starlog , April The series implies that the research into the meta-genome provided the basis for Project Genesis. She elects instead to pay condolence calls on the families of the Regula One staff that were murdered by Khan.

It is during one of these visits that she is informed of David's own slaughter. At the beginning of the Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country novelization, Carol is visiting one of the families again on the Themis colony presumably over fifteen years after the Genesis incident when it is attacked by Klingons — presumably General Chang, using the prototype Bird-of-Prey that will later cause the Enterprise crew trouble.

Carol is severely injured and on life support, news which affects Kirk deeply; over the years, he and Carol had healed the rift over David's death and became friends again, and they were planning on making a life together after his retirement.

For this reason, his hatred of Klingons is even more extreme in the novel than in the movie — not only did they kill his son, they may have also killed his future life partner. However, their relationship seems strained due to Kirk's restlessness regarding his retirement. During the Genesis Wave series, it is revealed that Carol is still alive well into the twenty-fourth century, having been concealed on a distant planet during the Dominion War to prevent her knowledge from falling into the wrong hands.

Despite the precautions taken to secure information about the Genesis Project, Carol is captured by a race of sentient plants capable of creating mental illusions, who trick her into creating the "Genesis Wave", a wave of energy that terraforms all planets in its path into something that can be inhabited by this species. However, Carol manages to shake off their illusions during a brief period of illness, and, accompanied by Maltz — the sole Klingon survivor of the original Genesis catastrophe — she destroys the space station that would have launched a second Genesis Wave, both she and Maltz dying in the process.

They had a son named David Samuel Kirk , who was born in This led to her husband developing a deep resentment towards Vulcans. Memory Alpha Explore. Christopher Pike Number One. James T. Generations First Contact Insurrection Nemesis. Memory Alpha. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Carol Marcus. View source. History Talk Do you like this video? Play Sound. For the alternate reality counterpart, please see Carol Marcus alternate reality.

Her mother's name is given as June. The Star Trek Chronology 1st ed. According to a deleted line from the script, Marcus was explained by Chekov to be " the civilian director of the experiments on Space Laboratory Regula I.

That's exactly the kind of guy Kirk : Where's Dr. David Marcus : I'M Dr. Carol Marcus : Jim! David Marcus : Well, don't have kittens. Genesis is going to work. They'll remember you in one breath with Newton, Einstein, Surak.

Carol Marcus : Thanks a lot. No respect from my offspring. Carol Marcus : Can I cook, or can't I? Carol Marcus : Why are you taking Genesis away from us? Kirk : Taking Genesis? Who's taking Genesis? Who-who is Carol Marcus : I can see you, but I can't hear. Kirk : Carol! Carol Marcus : Jim, did you give the order? Kirk : What order? Carol Marcus : Please help us, Jim. Kirk : I'm trying Carol Marcus : I will not let them have Genesis without proper authorization.

Kirk : Have Genesis? Who's taking Carol Marcus : On whose authority can they do this? Kirk : No one's authority. Carol Marcus : Jim Kirk : [trying to get a clearer signal] Uhura, what's happening?

Commander Nyota Uhura : Transmission jammed at the source, sir. Kirk : Alert Starfleet Headquarters. Chekov : Ah, Dr. We're en route to you and should be there in three days. Carol Marcus : En route? We weren't expecting you for another three months. Has something happened? Chekov : Nothing has happened. Ceti Alpha VI has checked out. Carol Marcus : Then I-I I don't understand why you're coming Chekov : We have received new orders.

Upon our arrival at Regula-1, all materials of Project Genesis will be transferred to this ship for immediate testing on Ceti Alpha VI. David Marcus : Who in the hell do they think they are? Carol Marcus : [shushing him and the other scientists] Will you please get quiet? Commander Chekov, this is completely irregular. Chekov : I have my orders. David Marcus : Pin him down, Mother. Who gave the order? Chekov : The order comes from Admiral James T.

Carol Marcus : This is completely improper, Commander Chekov. I have no intention of allowing Reliant or any other unauthorized personnel access to our work or materials. Chekov : I'm sorry that you feel that way, Doctor. Admiral Kirk's orders are confirmed. Please prepare to deliver Genesis to us upon our arrival. Reliant out. Khan : Well done, Commander. Chekov : You realize, sir, they will attempt to contact Admiral Kirk and confirm the order.

Kirk : Computer, request security procedure and access to Project Genesis summary. Computer : Identify for retina scan. Kirk : Kirk, Admiral James T.

Computer : [scanning his eye] Security scan approved. Kirk : Summary, please. Carol Marcus : [a video file plays] Project Genesis. A proposal to the Federation. Spock : Carol Marcus. Kirk : Yes. Carol Marcus : What exactly is Genesis? Well, put simply, Genesis is life from lifelessness. It is a process whereby molecular structure is reorganized at the subatomic level into life-generating matter of equal mass. Stage one of our experiments was conducted in the laboratory.

Stage two of the series will be attempted in a lifeless underground. Stage three will involve the process on a planetary scale. It is our intention to introduce the Genesis Device into a pre-selected area of a lifeless space body; a moon or other dead form.

The device is delivered, instantaneously causing what we call the Genesis Effect. Matter is reorganized with life-generating results. Instead of a dead moon, a living, breathing planet capable of sustaining whatever life forms we see fit to deposit on it.


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