How do duel terminals work

While the set was small, its impact was anything but. Note too that Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier was a different card back then: its original effect didn't have a once-per-turn restriction, and you could bounce your own cards for wacky combos. It was an absolute game-changer. There were entire decks revolving around those monsters, like Synchro Cat, which used the pre-errata Rescue Cat to field X-Saber Airbellum and another non-Tuner Beast to make a 1-card Synchro play.

In that was often a winning move. So if you look at the contents of Duel Terminal 1, and the contents of Hidden Arsenal, you might notice there are a bunch of cards in the former that didn't make it into the latter. While cards from a Duel Terminal machine may be available to anyone who could get to one, a card was tournament legal only when it was also available in that region through other means.

Normally that would be a Hidden Arsenal set - and there were several - but sometimes a Duel Terminal card got its TCG debut in a core booster. Cards from Japan would be slotted into card numbers in those bigger booster releases. Suffice to say, keeping track of which of your Duel Terminal cards you could actually play was a bit of a hassle. But as time went on, everything eventually became playable.

Throughout its lifespan, the Duel Terminal sets introduced us to some of the most powerful cards in the game at that time. Generally, the Duel Terminal sets preceded the TCG sets, creating a demand for unusable Duel Terminal cards for collectors or for players who wanted to get ahead of demand and get their cards early. Sometimes the game needed to be in the D: drive. Like it needed to be in the folder called JD6 too I think.

I apologize if I'm not helpful at the moment. All I did was place it in my D drive and place the contents folder into a folder called "JD6". I also made a shortcut of "game. Of course you can't play the game since the IO isn't emulated but it boots. Maybe it'll work for ya with Teknoparrot now? I'm unable to get it to windowed mode instantly crashes but fullscreen works. If anyone has a webcam and some DT cards.

Someone let me know if scanning works too! Set game. Make sure you download this link too, if you haven't already. Don't worry about the D: drive thing. Not sure if you got it running on teknoparrot yet. But if not and you happened to have steam installed on your pc try closing it and then attempt to run from teknoparrot. That was my issue. Hey guys! I downloaded everything and set Teknoparrot to the game.

Do I need to extract the. I can't seem to find the instructions on how to do that. Yeah i couldn't get the buttons to work after mapping to the keyboard. I ended using an xbox controller for buttons and mouse for touch screen. Make sure you have this amount of files under your contents folder If you match this then you don't need to extract anything all you need is there.

Make sure and close steam app if you have it installed on your pc. That was my initial issues not being able to launch through teknoparrot. Did you use the mega link from this post that contained the 4.

After extracting those 4. Yes I did. It looks like some files are corrupted. I have downloaded it 3 times and it's always the same files. I've downloaded the mega link from 3 different computers and everytime there is a data error for a single file on almost every part. The playstyle of Shaddoll revolves around Fusion Summoning. The lower-level Main Deck Shaddoll monsters each have two effects: a Flip effect, and an effect that triggers when they're sent to the GY by a card effect, including when being used in a Fusion Summon.

Their Fusion boss monsters are the El Shaddoll monsters, who specialize in countering Special Summoning monsters. They are themed and named after stars and constellations. Some card artworks suggested that they are fighting against the Shaddolls in the Post-Sophia saga. Like Gishki, the archetype is focused around Ritual Summoning, with their Ritual Monsters being warriors clad in armor resembling iconic Duel Terminal monsters of the past, most notably the three Ice Barrier dragons.

They have a focus on banishing from the Graveyard for certain effects, and their Ritual Monsters all have a discard-triggered effect, making them useful in the hand even without Ritual Spells.

Story-wise, the Nekroz is a new society set up by Gishki Avance and Gishki Emilia between the second and third DT wars, in order to protect the land from future threats. They have perfected their rituals and have mastered the ability to weave the powers of legendary DT world monsters into suits of armor. Their effects are as follows:. They can only be summoned by banishing other Infernoids monsters from the hand or graveyard while the combined Levels and Ranks of Effect Monsters the player controls is 8 or less.

Tierra is the second god of the Duel Terminal universe alongside Sophia. It had been sealed inside the Naturia Sacred Tree by Sophia in ancient times, and plots for its own revival following Sophia's death in Act 2. The battle between the DT universe and Tierra served as a conclusion to the Duel Terminal storyline in general. Community Showcase More. Follow TV Tropes.

You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. Ice Barrier. Grunard top , Gentala bottom-left , and Raiho bottom-right , the generals of the Ice Barrier. Mist Valley. The "Gishki" was an organization formed and led by "Noellia", and it acted according to her will, so her absence meant the immediate cessation of its activities.

Those among the society who remained together also kept fighting together in the great "Steelswarm" war, side-by-side with the other tribes. An attack used by "Pearl", a warrior who chiefly belongs to the peaceful "Gem-Knight" tribe, that draws out all of his power. His attack's continuous, surging waves caused "Disigma" to stop functioning before Pearl reached it, and it's said that everyone who saw this sight was reminded of a fearsome deity.

The thoughts of the "Steelswarm" had nowhere else to go when "Disigma" was destroyed, so they returned to "Noellia". The form of "Gishki Chain", after it gained forbidden power by sacrificing the "Laval". The fighting strength of the "Gishki" increased beyond its previous limits as they sacrificed and absorbed basically every "Laval". It seemed the tribe known as the "Laval" had been extinguished, but a lone member, "Phlogis", emerged from far up in the volcanic mountain where he had been lumberjacking.

The "Poisonous Winds" blew across the vast wetlands, causing even the "Gusto" village to be shrouded in the deadly poison which attacked a being's entire body. Did her prayer reach "God"? As the "Poisonous Winds" raged across the vast Marshlands, "Winda" headed to the "Shrine of Mist Valley" and offered up prayers, begging to be rescued.

Not only can they control the weather and create winds, but they can even change the atmospheric makeup to a limited degree. They have huge, heavy knuckles attached to both of their arms that boast extreme hardness, and are capable of crushing all obstacles in their path. His limitless optimization transformed him into a being with no special power, as he sought pure and absolute combat strength.

The wicked mental entity, "Evilswarm", awoke from the corpse the "Steelswarm". It possessed the bodies of those who had died in the Great Marshlands during the last Great War, and began to use them to attack the living. The "Evilswarm" even began to infect the three Ice Dragons that were sealed by the "Sacred Spirit" in the past. It wouldn't be long until the day came when they were corrupted enough to start to move.

Higher-grade "Steelswarm" They were the first to adapt to "Evilswarm"-ification by having the evil thoughts dwell inside their bodies. Alongside their absolute malice, they possessed an incredibly high intellect, and the power to transmit the "Evilswarm" into the corpses and wreckage of their "prey". Lower-grade "Steelswarm" They were the corpses of the higher-grade "Steelswarm's" prey in ancient times, that were since possessed by the "Evilswarm".

Their intellect was quite inferior to that of the higher grade. A high-ranking member of the starlight knights, the "Constellars". Its fighting strength is greater than that of the other "Constellars", and it's said that the other warriors can lend support attacks while it fights at the front of the battlefield.

The "Vylon" had been developed to oppose the "Steelswarm" and observe the surface. The "Constellars" had received their notice that the "Steelswarm" had revived, so they'd sallied forth to exterminate the "Steelswarm". Because of the "Steelswarm" crest on the surface of the "Aquamirror" she holds, it can be surmised that she's been completely corrupted by the "Steelswarm" in body and soul.

In order to achieve a complete resurrection, he began smashing the "Aquamirrors" that could undo the ritual. A mirror that performs Rituals by sacrificing the user's soul.

His swordsmanship and ability didn't change in the slightest with his possession, and they greatly contributed to the expansion and influence of the "Evilswarm". By combining the magics of the "Photomirror" and "Aquamirror", they attempted to completely revive "Emilia" in body and soul. In order to protect "Emilia" and "Avance", "Noellia" used the last of her remaining power to destroy "Zielgigas".

A soldier born from the fusion of a "Gem-Knight" and a "Constellar". She possessed a core that symbolized "spreading friendship", and she used that power to help rebuild the "Constellar" forces. The Gemini brothers. The "Constellar" of Ophiuchus. He provides logistical support, and wields a staff that controls healing and resurrection. He appears to have a somewhat different mission from the "Constellar" of the other 12 constellations.

A divine dragon who was a fusion of 7 beings: "Acubens", "Leonis", "Alrescha", "Aldebaran", "Virgo", "Algiedi", and "Antares" as the core. With its support and its incredible power, the "Constellar" returned to the front lines and began to turn the tide of the battle they'd been losing.

He carried a great sword containing the powers of seven cores which housed the crystallized power of repeated and optimized fusions. An unidentified phenomenon witnessed all across the planet. It always seemed to occur in places that were devastated by war, and was thus said to be the sigh of the Divine, grieving over those conflicts. Major symbols and designs from each tribe can be seen on her body. The only part of her body visible at the "Shrine of Mist Valley" is her head.

From the crystallized power of Creation in her left hand, she created an endless horde of soldiers, her 'children', which surged with overwhelming numbers.

Their forms were similar to those of the existing surface tribes. The crystallized power of Destruction in her right hand emitted a light that erased every living thing it touched, instantly and all at once. It went beyond physical destruction: it broke down a being's very existence to create new life. The longsword of " Gem-Knight Master Diamond ". A longsword that held the "Gem-Knight" power of Fusion, and which had been constantly optimized through their countless battles.

She possessed the weapons of all of the "Constellar", and in her right hand she held the longsword she got from "Diamond". It was the symbol of the power of Fusion, but it was changed into a single-handed sword. The crystal of Creation she absorbed emitted a holy light from her chest.

They had been sealed, and thus in a state where they could not resist corruption. The three dragons, which had been assimilated into the undead army, had their corruption converted into life energy by "Rasalhague" using his power of revival.

He intended to use their power to oppose "Sophia". With both the staff of "Rasalhague" and the "Aquamirror" staff in hand, he was able to completely unleash the power of the three dragons' cores floating around him. In his chest is the crystal of the power of Destruction shining red-black.

With "Kerykeion" sealing the movements of "Sophia", "Sombre" ended the battle by using her sword to pierce the orb on the goddess' forehead. Many of the top-ranking members of the "Ice Barrier's" armed forces believed that their current fighting strength was enough to oppose the "Fabled". A sacred beast that dwelt deep within the mountains of the "Ice Barrier". Its incredible supernatural powers were said to be able to restrain the Three Dragons. The Ice Dragons that were sealed deep inside the sacred mountain of the "Ice Barrier".

The descendants of the barrier's protectors were the members of the "Ice Barrier", many of whom held the opinion that, "They should be used as a force we can control" in the many conflicts heir tribe got involved in.

A relic created by the one who became the founder of the "Ice Barrier". It was originally used to seal away the Three Dragons, as it was and remains capable of reflecting and suppressing their freezing powers.

The warriors' leader. He's a bold and daring soldier whom no one can stop once he's enraged. Unlike their leader, he plays a supporting role to the rest of their soldiers by manipulating the valley's winds. They display excellent cooperation, regardless of the situation. According to one theory, the valley's warrior birdmen used to be the same as the birds, but over time, their genetic balances shifted slowly toward being more humanoid until they became half-bird-half-man.

The "Gusto" clan has a style of fighting in which their hearts and minds become one with those of the birds that dwell in the Great Marshlands. Status: Missing He was shunned for his disposition to sacrificing his own men for victory, but he suddenly vanished during a certain mission. He's clad in equipment that doesn't seem to exist in this world, but he seems to have the same tactics the former commander did, of discarding subordinates to win. Commander He's extremely popular with his subordinates.

Many who'd been turned off by "Souza" and his ways of doing things had nominated "Gottoms" as commander. Vice Commander A master of the same school of dual-wielding as "Sozua". He's skilled in cool, calm, and collected tactical theory.

Jointly produced by " Mist Valley " and " X-Saber ". A weapon approved by the " Ally of Justice " Council. Its Real Fusion Reactor can be seen in and around the shining circle on its chest. Welcome to "Naturia Forest"! Today's really special, since I'll be guiding you around the forest!

Be sure to follow me so you don't get lost! At the forest borders stand the hardy and tough "Naturia", who chase away the bad guys! It looks like Lord "Leodrake" is in trouble because of the large number of "Mosquitoes" that are born during the summer. This is the place where the trees gather, though not everyone can walk through it, since it's dense woods The hill is an oasis for "Naturia" plants and insects!

Everyone there is close friends! Because the creatures of "Mist Valley" sometimes lose their way, Lord "Barkion" keeps an eye out! The scouts who spy upon the Surface World on orders from their superiors in the Realm of Roars.

They serve as a part of the suppression squad in cases of invasion. Said squad is composed of the brutal and ferocious "The Fabled". After losing her standing by dabbling in forbidden magical formulas and spells, she allied herself with "Dianaira" and schemed to return to the Realm of Gods. On the surface, the Absolute God and the two Kings work together to lead the Fabled Realm, but deep down, the three of them don't trust one another. As such, there is a constantly swirling atmosphere of betrayal and schemes in the Realm of Gods.

Demon Beast: " The Fabled Peggulsus ". Demon Beast: " The Fabled Kokkator ". Demon Beast: " The Fabled Nozoochee ". Demon God: " Fabled Valkyrus ". Demon Beast: " The Fabled Catsith ". Demon Beast: " The Fabled Ganashia ". Demon Beast: " The Fabled Unicore ".

Demon Beast: " The Fabled Cerburrel ". Demon Beast: " The Fabled Chawa ". While hunting, the tiny and nimble "Stauriko" and the tough-bodied "Brachis" defend their homes from invaders. The quick and cunning "Guaiba" and "Dino" leave trails of fiery footprints as they hunt, giving the units following them a path to find the prey. The large "Jurracs" in charge of hunting down the group's prey. They corner it with their flame-clad bodies, and dive at it with their sharp fangs and claws.

Their purpose is merely to prevent it from escaping until the Main Force of the hunt arrives. He gains strength by consuming other injured, dying "Jurracs". The Small and Big Jurrac Work Together to Kill Their Prey Once the prey has been weakened, they play out a scene of the most brutal hunting imaginable as they launch an all-out attack.

Blazing flames spread on the ground around them after they finish the hunt. With the force of an eruption, he broke the atmosphere into outer space. Then, clad in lava, he took aim at the enemies on the planet beneath his gaze. A dragon warrior who wields the legendary magical sword, "Mystletainn".

The birdmen's spearsmanship isn't his strong point; instead, he prefers to battle at high speed with his sword. A dragon warrior chosen to wield the legendary magical sword, "Leyvaten". The sword he carries has a will of its own, and will cut down anyone unworthy of its true potential.

The basic form of Fusion power they used. It placed a burden on their Cores, but it could be used multiple times. In case of things like a surprise attack, they could perform an impromptu Fusion in an emergency, and strike back.

A Fusion method which added the power of the warriors that fused to one of the Cores, causing it to shine with two colors.

The power of Fusion used by those who fused during their last moments at the cost of their lives, damaging their Cores. By fusing with "Constellar Virgo", she imparted the power of Fusion to her, and became the heart of the fusion when the 12 "Constellar" fused together in the final, decisive battle. He uses a mysterious illusion-generating ability that provides a ton of power at the cost of headcount being decreased by Fusion.

The Birthstone for June. The Birthstone for January. The Birthstone for September. The Birthstone for April. The Birthstone for March. The Birthstone for August. The Birthstone for February. The Birthstone for November. The Birthstone of September. Core: Alexandrite In the language of gems, it represents "Hidden Feelings". The Birthstone for December. Core: Zirconia Zirconia is another name for a "Fake Diamond". The Birthstone for July.

Core: Seraphinite In the language of gems, it represents "The spreading of friendship". The Birthstone for May. Core: Tourmaline In the language of gems, it represents "Hope". The Birthstone for October. The birthstone for November. Core: Obsidian In the language of gems, it represents "Profound Mystery". The "Constellar" created the "Vylon", and based them on themselves. Thus, both "Omegas" have parts that seem similar in terms of their general silhouettes. Though the "Vylon" were weapons whose physical forms protected them from external infection by the "Steelswarm", they were powerless against corruption from the inside out.

It wasn't just the existing tribes that gained the power of Xyz. She and "Natalia" were like-minded former members of the " Ice Barrier ". Although she was a member of the family that believed they should free the third Ice Dragon from its seal, she searched for another way to counter the "Fabled".

However, the ritual ultimately failed, and "Natalia" lost her life in the process. Worried about the internal split of the "Ice Barrier" over whether or not to release "Trishula", "Noellia" and "Natalia" searched for a means to stop the internal conflict that didn't depend on using the Ice Dragon.

What they came up with was a ritual to summon demons, but their ritual failed, and "Noellia" was infected by the thoughts of the very devil they had tried to summon. She remained unaware of its existence deep within her mind, but it ultimately led her to enact a plan that was the source of the disaster. The birth son of "Natalia".


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