Where to buy coconuts in nyc

Updated 7 hours ago 14 comments. Sauces Butter. Thanksgiving Holidays Main Dish. Updated 2 days ago 23 comments. November, edition Updated 2 hours ago comments. Quick Links. Get fresh food news delivered to your inbox Sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest tips, tricks, recipes and more, sent twice a week.

Weekly Newsletter. Very fresh. I gave you and Cindy May a shout out on post as you guys have re ignited my coconut water passion! I wish we had an H-mart here! Is that for 9 coconuts? Another new Asian market opened here, and their coconuts are the same price.

Yeah, Hmart is now my go-to place for Fresh Coconuts. I still go to the Viet market for my live dungeness crab. I hopefully will visit Hmart this weekend to check out the prices. Nice to see so many coconut water lovers. I just came back from a trip to Costa Rica and I am obsessed…been on the hunt for fresh young coconuts ever since. Man I suck at buying coconuts. Do you feel it? The last 2 boxes were all yellow water. I returned the first box, but the 2nd box was the same.

Most of the boxes are sealed with instructions not to open to inspect lame right. Not a single one. Purchased another box and it was bad. You can see it better if you pour it into a white ceramic bowl. The last 3 boxes I purchased from H-Mart were not cold so that could be why. They need to be refrigerated. Oh no. Do the Vietnamese markets sell the coconuts in boxes or are they sold individually?

Thanks for the link —. The best way to open a coconut is with coco-jack. It was on shark tank! I bought mine from a local Asian supermarket called H Mart. If anyone knows anywhere I can get some delivered to me please let me know.

Macombo yahoo. I have really enjoyed the feedback and the quest for green tender coconut water. I have a acre coconut plantation here in Panama. Shipping time to the US to ports on the Gulf Coast is a week. Green coconuts need to be shipped in a refrigerated container from going bad.

It seems like everything being purchased is coming from Asia. That is about a month at sea. Not good for green coconut water. You want fresh try and find something that is coming from the Gulf Coast. As for as telling if the green coconuts you purchase are bad try and look on the box at the shipment date.

Anything past three weeks is not going to be good. Also make sure the coconut button is still attached to the coconut. This is the part of the coconut that is attached to the tree. If it is not there the coconut will most likely be bad. Now, talking about the size of the coconut. Well, these are it. Others I have produce a little over a liter of water. But on average 0. Does anyone remember my fresh young coconut obsession some time ago.

I think Olivia said they use about 3 young coconuts to make one serving of their […]. I bought these young coconuts from a Korean supermarket called H Mart. I do not sell these coconuts on my blog. Hope you can find a nearby market that sells these —. My wife and i accidentally ended up in playa rincon Dominican republic… they added rum to the water in the coconut and chilled it was yum yum from what i remember lol. Never thought of adding liqueur directly into the actual coconut —.

Use the coconut flesh for coconut bacon. This would be my dream come true to find fresh young coconut at that price! I am thinking it would be better to just order them. It was such a great price at the time. I googled where to buy whole mature coconuts and ended up reading this story. We had coconut farm prior immigrating to USA. My son asked: why does coconut has eyes and mouth?

Now my best response was that coconut water has the same constituents as the human plasma. Do other my grand dad said that long time ago medical used the coconut water to transfuse directly to human veins. Maybe coconut is long of the nuts next to human beings. My post about my young coconuts obsession is still my most viewed on this […]. Hi my name is lindsay, I would like to know how much a box for 9 young coconut cost to ship to Missouri state?

If its cost dollars for a box of 9 then I can buy 3 or 4 box of it. Please let me know. Thank you very much! I bought the young coconuts from Hmart which is a Korean chain supermarket.

Happy holidays to you —. Look how much coconut water came out of the nut! Do you see the 3 veins right above. Kinda like this! Then I felt a tap on my shoulder from the same disgruntled co worker and he pointed to this: HA!

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I was totally thinking that I needed that cocojack from the Latin Food Festival Uh yea, but regardless, I just called hubby and told him to pick up a box of coconuts on the way home haha! I hope you do a post on how you crack open the shell and extract the coconut meat! Hi Soo! Hi Cindy, I think the price of coconuts have gone up significantly.

Where is this at? Still looking for the Organic Coconuts. Hi Cindy May, Thanks for the helpful info! The price is outrageous. I hope you guys are right and the coconuts are ok. Buy them online. I can smell the toxins on the coconut meat.

I am on the East Coast too! I order them from this website and store them in the freezer. It says the ebsite does not exists. I even tried calling them the number is disconnected IS this company out of business???

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