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For instance, treating rainrot or other skin infections can be difficult because the responsible organisms are buried deep under the skin or crusty, painful scabs. However, a mixture combining antibacterial medication with DMSO can pass through the skin and reach the affected area. For the same reason, DMSO is often added to antifungal medications for treatment of eye conditions and sometimes to steroids for targeted, topical anti-inflammatory treatment.

Likewise, avoid mixing DMSO with substances that could be toxic if ingested, such as organophosphates or mercury salt. Research shows that DMSO slows or blocks conduction of impulses along nerve cells, which in effect reduces pain from musculoskeletal injuries, postoperative incisions and other sources.

Relief is only temporary—lasting up to a few hours—because as the DMSO dissipates, normal nerve function returns. It can be combined with other pain-relieving drugs, however, to extend the analgesic action. Some applications of DMSO combine all of these: For instance, it is often used in surgical colic cases to reduce the risk of tissue adhesions due to inflammation and poor circulation; some surgeons think that it may also provide some pain relief in the hours following surgery.

The Jockey Club allows 10 micrograms per milliliter of plasma. If you compete with your horse, check any governing association rules regarding DMSO use.

Also keep in mind that because DMSO can move other materials through the skin, combining it with other medications could result in a violation of thresholds for both. A search of a research database will turn up a good sampling of peer-reviewed papers on DMSO use in horses, but the compound has gotten far less scientific scrutiny than have medications developed specifically for therapeutic applications.

Scant information is available regarding dosing. Often veterinarians rely on their own experiences and those of their colleagues in deciding when and how to use DMSO. Whether applied topically, orally, intravenously or by injection, DMSO requires careful handling. If you do, keep these basic facts in mind to make sure your horse benefits fully from this unusual preparation. Don't miss out! With the free weekly EQUUS newsletter, you'll get the latest horse health information delivered right to your in basket!

Behavioral Problems. Medications and Drugs. Horse Care. Farm and Ranch. Hoof Care. Injuries and First Aid. Parasite Control. Preventative Care. Senior Horse Care. Tack and Apparel. Horse World. More research is needed to assess these risks. Other reported side effects from DMSO tend to be minor. The most commonly reported side effect is a strong garlic flavor in your mouth for several hours after you have been treated with it.

Your skin may also give off a garlic-like odor for up to 72 hours after being treated. Doctors agree that you should be cautious when it comes to applying DMSO topically. It may cause dry, scaly, and itchy skin.

It may also interact with other medications. Unhealthy substances may also be absorbed through your skin along with the DMSO. And it may also cause urine discoloration and agitation. DMSO may have promise in treating a variety of other conditions that include:.

However, research to date has been inconsistent. More research on its potential uses will likely continue for years to come. Talk to your doctor before using any products that contain DMSO.

They can help you understand the potential benefits and risks. Understand how comfrey heals the skin ». Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder. Most often it is caused by a bacterial infection known as a urinary tract infection UTI. This is an overview of star fruit and its nutritional properties. However, the effects of DMSO at concentrations of 0.

Taken together with earlier in vivo clearance studies in humans, which show that DMSO 2 and DMS never reach plasma levels approaching DMSO levels [ 23 ], it is likely that DMSO, and not its metabolites, is responsible for its reported anti-inflammatory properties in vivo. From these studies we conclude that E. Considering that DMSO is a solvent capable of disrupting membrane integrity [ 39 ], it is conceivable that DMSO is carrying out this inhibition through a non-specific mechanism.

However, our findings are also consistent with the previously reported ability of DMSO to act as a hydroxyl radical scavenger i. DMSO has been touted as efficacious in the treatment of cancer, in part via its ability to induce the differentiation of some cancer cell lines [ 46 , 47 ].

The recent shut down of a DMSO clinic by the FDA in after a suspicious patient death only further confirms the need for more in vivo work to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of DMSO for cancer treatment [ 48 ].

Before embarking on in vivo studies in mice we first compared plasma DMSO levels following IP, oral and topical administration at doses that, according to the literature, were the highest without being toxic [ 49 ]. However, given that IP injections would be difficult for people to self-administer and may not give as high local skin concentrations as topical treatments we opted to pursue in vivo studies using topical DMSO.

We chose the B16 mouse melanoma cell line for our in vivo evaluation of DMSO since this cell line has been shown to differentiate in response to DMSO [ 31 ] and in vivo tumors can be treated topically.

An analysis of IL-6 levels in the plasma and the tumors of DMSO- and water-treated mice also revealed no difference, suggesting that DMSO did not alter the systemic inflammatory state of these mice, perhaps because therapeutic levels of DMSO were not reached with this protocol. Related to this, we looked at the effect of DMSO on macrophage polarization and found that it reduced both M1- and M2- skewing, starting at 0.

It is thus possible that DMSO was ineffective in vivo because it dampened down the anti-tumor M1 phenotype of the infiltrating macrophages. This is in contrast to a recent study by Deng et al [ 50 ], who IP injected DMSO to 4T1-tumor bearing mice and found this suppressed tumor growth by polarizing their tumor associated macrophage from an M2- to an M1-phenotype.

It remains to be determined if the difference in our results is attributable to the mode of administration or the tumor cells utilized. This was associated with a lower gene expression of a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, compared to water-treated mice. To date, studies into the efficacy of DMSO in animal models of rheumatoid arthritis have produced conflicting results. Colucci et al [ 57 ], for example, showed that oral administration of DMSO to mice was effective in reducing zymosan-induced edema in the mouse paw, while local administration of DMSO enhanced paw swelling instead.

Confounding factors in these studies that could contribute to the discrepancies observed are the dose and route of administration of DMSO as well as the animal models used to recapitulate arthritic events.

Topical administration of DMSO in inflammatory agent s -induced arthritic rats for example, was thought to increase the penetration of the inflammatory agents into tissues, resulting in a lack of efficacy or an exacerbation of paw edema [ 59 ]. We therefore conclude that the use of DMSO as an anti-inflammatory agent in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis may have some merit but cannot support its use as an anti-cancer agent. We would like to thank Christine Kelly for formatting and submitting the manuscript.

The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of manuscript. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. PLoS One. Published online Mar Adomat , 4 Emma S. Guns , 4 Kelly M. Michael R. Hans H. Emma S. Kelly M. Paul Proost, Editor. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Received Jan 19; Accepted Mar This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO is currently used as an alternative treatment for various inflammatory conditions as well as for cancer.

Fractionation of Blood Cells Cells were fractionated from whole blood by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation. Table 1 Primers for real time gene expression analysis. Open in a separate window. Blood Differential Analysis and Joint Lavage To identify the effect of topical administration of DMSO on circulating blood cells and immune cells recruited to the joints, blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture, and joint lavage was carried out to recover immune cells.

Fig 1. Fig 2. Control E. Fig 3. Fig 4. DMSO Reduces Arthritis Since topical DMSO has been used for many years to reduce both inflammation following exercise or injury and for arthritis, we next examined its efficacy using a mouse model of arthritis.

Fig 5. Fig 6. Fig 7. Fig 8. Fig 9. Discussion We demonstrate herein that DMSO is an anti-inflammatory agent in a whole human blood assay designed to mimic in vivo responses to infectious agents.

TIF Click here for additional data file. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Christine Kelly for formatting and submitting the manuscript.

Data Availability All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. References 1. Multidisciplinary utilization of dimethyl sulfoxide: pharmacological, cellular, and molecular aspects.

Biochemical Pharmacology. Capriotti K, Capriotti JA. Dimethyl sulfoxide: History, chemistry and clinical utility in dermatology. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Dimethyl Sulfoxide: a perspective of its use in rheumatoid disease. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pegg D. Cryopreservation and Freeze-Drying Protocols. Humana Press; Current Therapeutic Research, Clinical and Experimental.

Steinberg A. The employment of dimethyl sulfoxide as an antiinflammatory agent and steroid-transporter in diversified clinical diseases. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Dimethyl sulfoxide in musculoskeletal disorders. Journal of the American Medical Association. Northwest Medicine. Ehrlich GE, Joseph R. Dimethyl Sulfoxide in Scleroderma.

Pennsylvannia Medicine.


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